lz4frame.h 28 KB

  1. /*
  2. LZ4 auto-framing library
  3. Header File
  4. Copyright (C) 2011-2017, Yann Collet.
  5. BSD 2-Clause License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
  6. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  7. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
  8. met:
  9. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  10. notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  11. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
  12. copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
  13. in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
  14. distribution.
  26. You can contact the author at :
  27. - LZ4 source repository : https://github.com/lz4/lz4
  28. - LZ4 public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c
  29. */
  30. /* LZ4F is a stand-alone API able to create and decode LZ4 frames
  31. * conformant with specification v1.6.1 in doc/lz4_Frame_format.md .
  32. * Generated frames are compatible with `lz4` CLI.
  33. *
  34. * LZ4F also offers streaming capabilities.
  35. *
  36. * lz4.h is not required when using lz4frame.h,
  37. * except to extract common constant such as LZ4_VERSION_NUMBER.
  38. * */
  39. #ifndef LZ4F_H_09782039843
  40. #define LZ4F_H_09782039843
  41. #if defined (__cplusplus)
  42. extern "C" {
  43. #endif
  44. /* --- Dependency --- */
  45. #include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
  46. /**
  47. Introduction
  48. lz4frame.h implements LZ4 frame specification (doc/lz4_Frame_format.md).
  49. lz4frame.h provides frame compression functions that take care
  50. of encoding standard metadata alongside LZ4-compressed blocks.
  51. */
  52. /*-***************************************************************
  53. * Compiler specifics
  54. *****************************************************************/
  55. /* LZ4_DLL_EXPORT :
  56. * Enable exporting of functions when building a Windows DLL
  57. * LZ4FLIB_API :
  58. * Control library symbols visibility.
  59. */
  60. #if defined(LZ4_DLL_EXPORT) && (LZ4_DLL_EXPORT==1)
  61. # define LZ4FLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
  62. #elif defined(LZ4_DLL_IMPORT) && (LZ4_DLL_IMPORT==1)
  63. # define LZ4FLIB_API __declspec(dllimport)
  64. #elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
  65. # define LZ4FLIB_API __attribute__ ((__visibility__ ("default")))
  66. #else
  67. # define LZ4FLIB_API
  68. #endif
  70. # define LZ4F_DEPRECATE(x) x
  71. #else
  72. # if defined(_MSC_VER)
  73. # define LZ4F_DEPRECATE(x) x /* __declspec(deprecated) x - only works with C++ */
  74. # elif defined(__clang__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 6))
  75. # define LZ4F_DEPRECATE(x) x __attribute__((deprecated))
  76. # else
  77. # define LZ4F_DEPRECATE(x) x /* no deprecation warning for this compiler */
  78. # endif
  79. #endif
  80. /*-************************************
  81. * Error management
  82. **************************************/
  83. typedef size_t LZ4F_errorCode_t;
  84. LZ4FLIB_API unsigned LZ4F_isError(LZ4F_errorCode_t code); /**< tells when a function result is an error code */
  85. LZ4FLIB_API const char* LZ4F_getErrorName(LZ4F_errorCode_t code); /**< return error code string; for debugging */
  86. /*-************************************
  87. * Frame compression types
  88. **************************************/
  89. /* #define LZ4F_ENABLE_OBSOLETE_ENUMS // uncomment to enable obsolete enums */
  91. # define LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(x) , LZ4F_DEPRECATE(x) = LZ4F_##x
  92. #else
  93. # define LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(x)
  94. #endif
  95. /* The larger the block size, the (slightly) better the compression ratio,
  96. * though there are diminishing returns.
  97. * Larger blocks also increase memory usage on both compression and decompression sides. */
  98. typedef enum {
  99. LZ4F_default=0,
  100. LZ4F_max64KB=4,
  101. LZ4F_max256KB=5,
  102. LZ4F_max1MB=6,
  103. LZ4F_max4MB=7
  104. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(max64KB)
  105. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(max256KB)
  108. } LZ4F_blockSizeID_t;
  109. /* Linked blocks sharply reduce inefficiencies when using small blocks,
  110. * they compress better.
  111. * However, some LZ4 decoders are only compatible with independent blocks */
  112. typedef enum {
  113. LZ4F_blockLinked=0,
  114. LZ4F_blockIndependent
  115. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(blockLinked)
  116. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(blockIndependent)
  117. } LZ4F_blockMode_t;
  118. typedef enum {
  119. LZ4F_noContentChecksum=0,
  120. LZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled
  121. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(noContentChecksum)
  122. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(contentChecksumEnabled)
  123. } LZ4F_contentChecksum_t;
  124. typedef enum {
  125. LZ4F_noBlockChecksum=0,
  126. LZ4F_blockChecksumEnabled
  127. } LZ4F_blockChecksum_t;
  128. typedef enum {
  129. LZ4F_frame=0,
  130. LZ4F_skippableFrame
  131. LZ4F_OBSOLETE_ENUM(skippableFrame)
  132. } LZ4F_frameType_t;
  134. typedef LZ4F_blockSizeID_t blockSizeID_t;
  135. typedef LZ4F_blockMode_t blockMode_t;
  136. typedef LZ4F_frameType_t frameType_t;
  137. typedef LZ4F_contentChecksum_t contentChecksum_t;
  138. #endif
  139. /*! LZ4F_frameInfo_t :
  140. * makes it possible to set or read frame parameters.
  141. * Structure must be first init to 0, using memset() or LZ4F_INIT_FRAMEINFO,
  142. * setting all parameters to default.
  143. * It's then possible to update selectively some parameters */
  144. typedef struct {
  145. LZ4F_blockSizeID_t blockSizeID; /* max64KB, max256KB, max1MB, max4MB; 0 == default */
  146. LZ4F_blockMode_t blockMode; /* LZ4F_blockLinked, LZ4F_blockIndependent; 0 == default */
  147. LZ4F_contentChecksum_t contentChecksumFlag; /* 1: frame terminated with 32-bit checksum of decompressed data; 0: disabled (default) */
  148. LZ4F_frameType_t frameType; /* read-only field : LZ4F_frame or LZ4F_skippableFrame */
  149. unsigned long long contentSize; /* Size of uncompressed content ; 0 == unknown */
  150. unsigned dictID; /* Dictionary ID, sent by compressor to help decoder select correct dictionary; 0 == no dictID provided */
  151. LZ4F_blockChecksum_t blockChecksumFlag; /* 1: each block followed by a checksum of block's compressed data; 0: disabled (default) */
  152. } LZ4F_frameInfo_t;
  153. #define LZ4F_INIT_FRAMEINFO { LZ4F_default, LZ4F_blockLinked, LZ4F_noContentChecksum, LZ4F_frame, 0ULL, 0U, LZ4F_noBlockChecksum } /* v1.8.3+ */
  154. /*! LZ4F_preferences_t :
  155. * makes it possible to supply advanced compression instructions to streaming interface.
  156. * Structure must be first init to 0, using memset() or LZ4F_INIT_PREFERENCES,
  157. * setting all parameters to default.
  158. * All reserved fields must be set to zero. */
  159. typedef struct {
  160. LZ4F_frameInfo_t frameInfo;
  161. int compressionLevel; /* 0: default (fast mode); values > LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX count as LZ4HC_CLEVEL_MAX; values < 0 trigger "fast acceleration" */
  162. unsigned autoFlush; /* 1: always flush; reduces usage of internal buffers */
  163. unsigned favorDecSpeed; /* 1: parser favors decompression speed vs compression ratio. Only works for high compression modes (>= LZ4HC_CLEVEL_OPT_MIN) */ /* v1.8.2+ */
  164. unsigned reserved[3]; /* must be zero for forward compatibility */
  165. } LZ4F_preferences_t;
  166. #define LZ4F_INIT_PREFERENCES { LZ4F_INIT_FRAMEINFO, 0, 0u, 0u, { 0u, 0u, 0u } } /* v1.8.3+ */
  167. /*-*********************************
  168. * Simple compression function
  169. ***********************************/
  170. LZ4FLIB_API int LZ4F_compressionLevel_max(void); /* v1.8.0+ */
  171. /*! LZ4F_compressFrameBound() :
  172. * Returns the maximum possible compressed size with LZ4F_compressFrame() given srcSize and preferences.
  173. * `preferencesPtr` is optional. It can be replaced by NULL, in which case, the function will assume default preferences.
  174. * Note : this result is only usable with LZ4F_compressFrame().
  175. * It may also be used with LZ4F_compressUpdate() _if no flush() operation_ is performed.
  176. */
  177. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressFrameBound(size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr);
  178. /*! LZ4F_compressFrame() :
  179. * Compress an entire srcBuffer into a valid LZ4 frame.
  180. * dstCapacity MUST be >= LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, preferencesPtr).
  181. * The LZ4F_preferences_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. All preferences will be set to default.
  182. * @return : number of bytes written into dstBuffer.
  183. * or an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
  184. */
  185. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressFrame(void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  186. const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
  187. const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr);
  188. /*-***********************************
  189. * Advanced compression functions
  190. *************************************/
  191. typedef struct LZ4F_cctx_s LZ4F_cctx; /* incomplete type */
  192. typedef LZ4F_cctx* LZ4F_compressionContext_t; /* for compatibility with previous API version */
  193. typedef struct {
  194. unsigned stableSrc; /* 1 == src content will remain present on future calls to LZ4F_compress(); skip copying src content within tmp buffer */
  195. unsigned reserved[3];
  196. } LZ4F_compressOptions_t;
  197. /*--- Resource Management ---*/
  198. #define LZ4F_VERSION 100 /* This number can be used to check for an incompatible API breaking change */
  199. LZ4FLIB_API unsigned LZ4F_getVersion(void);
  200. /*! LZ4F_createCompressionContext() :
  201. * The first thing to do is to create a compressionContext object, which will be used in all compression operations.
  202. * This is achieved using LZ4F_createCompressionContext(), which takes as argument a version.
  203. * The version provided MUST be LZ4F_VERSION. It is intended to track potential version mismatch, notably when using DLL.
  204. * The function will provide a pointer to a fully allocated LZ4F_cctx object.
  205. * If @return != zero, there was an error during context creation.
  206. * Object can release its memory using LZ4F_freeCompressionContext();
  207. */
  208. LZ4FLIB_API LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_createCompressionContext(LZ4F_cctx** cctxPtr, unsigned version);
  209. LZ4FLIB_API LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_freeCompressionContext(LZ4F_cctx* cctx);
  210. /*---- Compression ----*/
  211. #define LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MIN 7 /* LZ4 Frame header size can vary, depending on selected paramaters */
  212. #define LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX 19
  213. /*! LZ4F_compressBegin() :
  214. * will write the frame header into dstBuffer.
  215. * dstCapacity must be >= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX bytes.
  216. * `prefsPtr` is optional : you can provide NULL as argument, all preferences will then be set to default.
  217. * @return : number of bytes written into dstBuffer for the header
  218. * or an error code (which can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
  219. */
  220. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressBegin(LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  221. void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  222. const LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr);
  223. /*! LZ4F_compressBound() :
  224. * Provides minimum dstCapacity required to guarantee success of
  225. * LZ4F_compressUpdate(), given a srcSize and preferences, for a worst case scenario.
  226. * When srcSize==0, LZ4F_compressBound() provides an upper bound for LZ4F_flush() and LZ4F_compressEnd() instead.
  227. * Note that the result is only valid for a single invocation of LZ4F_compressUpdate().
  228. * When invoking LZ4F_compressUpdate() multiple times,
  229. * if the output buffer is gradually filled up instead of emptied and re-used from its start,
  230. * one must check if there is enough remaining capacity before each invocation, using LZ4F_compressBound().
  231. * @return is always the same for a srcSize and prefsPtr.
  232. * prefsPtr is optional : when NULL is provided, preferences will be set to cover worst case scenario.
  233. * tech details :
  234. * @return includes the possibility that internal buffer might already be filled by up to (blockSize-1) bytes.
  235. * It also includes frame footer (ending + checksum), since it might be generated by LZ4F_compressEnd().
  236. * @return doesn't include frame header, as it was already generated by LZ4F_compressBegin().
  237. */
  238. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressBound(size_t srcSize, const LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr);
  239. /*! LZ4F_compressUpdate() :
  240. * LZ4F_compressUpdate() can be called repetitively to compress as much data as necessary.
  241. * Important rule: dstCapacity MUST be large enough to ensure operation success even in worst case situations.
  242. * This value is provided by LZ4F_compressBound().
  243. * If this condition is not respected, LZ4F_compress() will fail (result is an errorCode).
  244. * LZ4F_compressUpdate() doesn't guarantee error recovery.
  245. * When an error occurs, compression context must be freed or resized.
  246. * `cOptPtr` is optional : NULL can be provided, in which case all options are set to default.
  247. * @return : number of bytes written into `dstBuffer` (it can be zero, meaning input data was just buffered).
  248. * or an error code if it fails (which can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
  249. */
  250. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressUpdate(LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  251. void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  252. const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize,
  253. const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* cOptPtr);
  254. /*! LZ4F_flush() :
  255. * When data must be generated and sent immediately, without waiting for a block to be completely filled,
  256. * it's possible to call LZ4_flush(). It will immediately compress any data buffered within cctx.
  257. * `dstCapacity` must be large enough to ensure the operation will be successful.
  258. * `cOptPtr` is optional : it's possible to provide NULL, all options will be set to default.
  259. * @return : nb of bytes written into dstBuffer (can be zero, when there is no data stored within cctx)
  260. * or an error code if it fails (which can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
  261. * Note : LZ4F_flush() is guaranteed to be successful when dstCapacity >= LZ4F_compressBound(0, prefsPtr).
  262. */
  263. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_flush(LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  264. void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  265. const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* cOptPtr);
  266. /*! LZ4F_compressEnd() :
  267. * To properly finish an LZ4 frame, invoke LZ4F_compressEnd().
  268. * It will flush whatever data remained within `cctx` (like LZ4_flush())
  269. * and properly finalize the frame, with an endMark and a checksum.
  270. * `cOptPtr` is optional : NULL can be provided, in which case all options will be set to default.
  271. * @return : nb of bytes written into dstBuffer, necessarily >= 4 (endMark),
  272. * or an error code if it fails (which can be tested using LZ4F_isError())
  273. * Note : LZ4F_compressEnd() is guaranteed to be successful when dstCapacity >= LZ4F_compressBound(0, prefsPtr).
  274. * A successful call to LZ4F_compressEnd() makes `cctx` available again for another compression task.
  275. */
  276. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_compressEnd(LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  277. void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  278. const LZ4F_compressOptions_t* cOptPtr);
  279. /*-*********************************
  280. * Decompression functions
  281. ***********************************/
  282. typedef struct LZ4F_dctx_s LZ4F_dctx; /* incomplete type */
  283. typedef LZ4F_dctx* LZ4F_decompressionContext_t; /* compatibility with previous API versions */
  284. typedef struct {
  285. unsigned stableDst; /* pledges that last 64KB decompressed data will remain available unmodified. This optimization skips storage operations in tmp buffers. */
  286. unsigned reserved[3]; /* must be set to zero for forward compatibility */
  287. } LZ4F_decompressOptions_t;
  288. /* Resource management */
  289. /*! LZ4F_createDecompressionContext() :
  290. * Create an LZ4F_dctx object, to track all decompression operations.
  291. * The version provided MUST be LZ4F_VERSION.
  292. * The function provides a pointer to an allocated and initialized LZ4F_dctx object.
  293. * The result is an errorCode, which can be tested using LZ4F_isError().
  294. * dctx memory can be released using LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext();
  295. * Result of LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext() indicates current state of decompressionContext when being released.
  296. * That is, it should be == 0 if decompression has been completed fully and correctly.
  297. */
  298. LZ4FLIB_API LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_createDecompressionContext(LZ4F_dctx** dctxPtr, unsigned version);
  299. LZ4FLIB_API LZ4F_errorCode_t LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(LZ4F_dctx* dctx);
  300. /*-***********************************
  301. * Streaming decompression functions
  302. *************************************/
  304. /*! LZ4F_headerSize() : v1.9.0+
  305. * Provide the header size of a frame starting at `src`.
  306. * `srcSize` must be >= LZ4F_MIN_SIZE_TO_KNOW_HEADER_LENGTH,
  307. * which is enough to decode the header length.
  308. * @return : size of frame header
  309. * or an error code, which can be tested using LZ4F_isError()
  310. * note : Frame header size is variable, but is guaranteed to be
  311. * >= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MIN bytes, and <= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX bytes.
  312. */
  313. size_t LZ4F_headerSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize);
  314. /*! LZ4F_getFrameInfo() :
  315. * This function extracts frame parameters (max blockSize, dictID, etc.).
  316. * Its usage is optional: user can call LZ4F_decompress() directly.
  317. *
  318. * Extracted information will fill an existing LZ4F_frameInfo_t structure.
  319. * This can be useful for allocation and dictionary identification purposes.
  320. *
  321. * LZ4F_getFrameInfo() can work in the following situations :
  322. *
  323. * 1) At the beginning of a new frame, before any invocation of LZ4F_decompress().
  324. * It will decode header from `srcBuffer`,
  325. * consuming the header and starting the decoding process.
  326. *
  327. * Input size must be large enough to contain the full frame header.
  328. * Frame header size can be known beforehand by LZ4F_headerSize().
  329. * Frame header size is variable, but is guaranteed to be >= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MIN bytes,
  330. * and not more than <= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX bytes.
  331. * Hence, blindly providing LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX bytes or more will always work.
  332. * It's allowed to provide more input data than the header size,
  333. * LZ4F_getFrameInfo() will only consume the header.
  334. *
  335. * If input size is not large enough,
  336. * aka if it's smaller than header size,
  337. * function will fail and return an error code.
  338. *
  339. * 2) After decoding has been started,
  340. * it's possible to invoke LZ4F_getFrameInfo() anytime
  341. * to extract already decoded frame parameters stored within dctx.
  342. *
  343. * Note that, if decoding has barely started,
  344. * and not yet read enough information to decode the header,
  345. * LZ4F_getFrameInfo() will fail.
  346. *
  347. * The number of bytes consumed from srcBuffer will be updated in *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
  348. * LZ4F_getFrameInfo() only consumes bytes when decoding has not yet started,
  349. * and when decoding the header has been successful.
  350. * Decompression must then resume from (srcBuffer + *srcSizePtr).
  351. *
  352. * @return : a hint about how many srcSize bytes LZ4F_decompress() expects for next call,
  353. * or an error code which can be tested using LZ4F_isError().
  354. * note 1 : in case of error, dctx is not modified. Decoding operation can resume from beginning safely.
  355. * note 2 : frame parameters are *copied into* an already allocated LZ4F_frameInfo_t structure.
  356. */
  357. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_getFrameInfo(LZ4F_dctx* dctx,
  358. LZ4F_frameInfo_t* frameInfoPtr,
  359. const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr);
  360. /*! LZ4F_decompress() :
  361. * Call this function repetitively to regenerate compressed data from `srcBuffer`.
  362. * The function will read up to *srcSizePtr bytes from srcBuffer,
  363. * and decompress data into dstBuffer, of capacity *dstSizePtr.
  364. *
  365. * The nb of bytes consumed from srcBuffer will be written into *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
  366. * The nb of bytes decompressed into dstBuffer will be written into *dstSizePtr (necessarily <= original value).
  367. *
  368. * The function does not necessarily read all input bytes, so always check value in *srcSizePtr.
  369. * Unconsumed source data must be presented again in subsequent invocations.
  370. *
  371. * `dstBuffer` can freely change between each consecutive function invocation.
  372. * `dstBuffer` content will be overwritten.
  373. *
  374. * @return : an hint of how many `srcSize` bytes LZ4F_decompress() expects for next call.
  375. * Schematically, it's the size of the current (or remaining) compressed block + header of next block.
  376. * Respecting the hint provides some small speed benefit, because it skips intermediate buffers.
  377. * This is just a hint though, it's always possible to provide any srcSize.
  378. *
  379. * When a frame is fully decoded, @return will be 0 (no more data expected).
  380. * When provided with more bytes than necessary to decode a frame,
  381. * LZ4F_decompress() will stop reading exactly at end of current frame, and @return 0.
  382. *
  383. * If decompression failed, @return is an error code, which can be tested using LZ4F_isError().
  384. * After a decompression error, the `dctx` context is not resumable.
  385. * Use LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext() to return to clean state.
  386. *
  387. * After a frame is fully decoded, dctx can be used again to decompress another frame.
  388. */
  389. LZ4FLIB_API size_t LZ4F_decompress(LZ4F_dctx* dctx,
  390. void* dstBuffer, size_t* dstSizePtr,
  391. const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr,
  392. const LZ4F_decompressOptions_t* dOptPtr);
  393. /*! LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext() : added in v1.8.0
  394. * In case of an error, the context is left in "undefined" state.
  395. * In which case, it's necessary to reset it, before re-using it.
  396. * This method can also be used to abruptly stop any unfinished decompression,
  397. * and start a new one using same context resources. */
  398. LZ4FLIB_API void LZ4F_resetDecompressionContext(LZ4F_dctx* dctx); /* always successful */
  399. #if defined (__cplusplus)
  400. }
  401. #endif
  402. #endif /* LZ4F_H_09782039843 */
  403. #if defined(LZ4F_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY) && !defined(LZ4F_H_STATIC_09782039843)
  404. #define LZ4F_H_STATIC_09782039843
  405. #if defined (__cplusplus)
  406. extern "C" {
  407. #endif
  408. /* These declarations are not stable and may change in the future.
  409. * They are therefore only safe to depend on
  410. * when the caller is statically linked against the library.
  411. * To access their declarations, define LZ4F_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY.
  412. *
  413. * By default, these symbols aren't published into shared/dynamic libraries.
  414. * You can override this behavior and force them to be published
  415. * by defining LZ4F_PUBLISH_STATIC_FUNCTIONS.
  416. * Use at your own risk.
  417. */
  420. #else
  421. #define LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API
  422. #endif
  423. /* --- Error List --- */
  424. #define LZ4F_LIST_ERRORS(ITEM) \
  425. ITEM(OK_NoError) \
  427. ITEM(ERROR_maxBlockSize_invalid) \
  428. ITEM(ERROR_blockMode_invalid) \
  429. ITEM(ERROR_contentChecksumFlag_invalid) \
  430. ITEM(ERROR_compressionLevel_invalid) \
  431. ITEM(ERROR_headerVersion_wrong) \
  432. ITEM(ERROR_blockChecksum_invalid) \
  433. ITEM(ERROR_reservedFlag_set) \
  434. ITEM(ERROR_allocation_failed) \
  435. ITEM(ERROR_srcSize_tooLarge) \
  436. ITEM(ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall) \
  437. ITEM(ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete) \
  438. ITEM(ERROR_frameType_unknown) \
  439. ITEM(ERROR_frameSize_wrong) \
  440. ITEM(ERROR_srcPtr_wrong) \
  441. ITEM(ERROR_decompressionFailed) \
  442. ITEM(ERROR_headerChecksum_invalid) \
  443. ITEM(ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid) \
  444. ITEM(ERROR_frameDecoding_alreadyStarted) \
  445. ITEM(ERROR_maxCode)
  446. #define LZ4F_GENERATE_ENUM(ENUM) LZ4F_##ENUM,
  447. /* enum list is exposed, to handle specific errors */
  448. typedef enum { LZ4F_LIST_ERRORS(LZ4F_GENERATE_ENUM)
  449. _LZ4F_dummy_error_enum_for_c89_never_used } LZ4F_errorCodes;
  450. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API LZ4F_errorCodes LZ4F_getErrorCode(size_t functionResult);
  451. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API size_t LZ4F_getBlockSize(unsigned);
  452. /**********************************
  453. * Bulk processing dictionary API
  454. *********************************/
  455. /* A Dictionary is useful for the compression of small messages (KB range).
  456. * It dramatically improves compression efficiency.
  457. *
  458. * LZ4 can ingest any input as dictionary, though only the last 64 KB are useful.
  459. * Best results are generally achieved by using Zstandard's Dictionary Builder
  460. * to generate a high-quality dictionary from a set of samples.
  461. *
  462. * Loading a dictionary has a cost, since it involves construction of tables.
  463. * The Bulk processing dictionary API makes it possible to share this cost
  464. * over an arbitrary number of compression jobs, even concurrently,
  465. * markedly improving compression latency for these cases.
  466. *
  467. * The same dictionary will have to be used on the decompression side
  468. * for decoding to be successful.
  469. * To help identify the correct dictionary at decoding stage,
  470. * the frame header allows optional embedding of a dictID field.
  471. */
  472. typedef struct LZ4F_CDict_s LZ4F_CDict;
  473. /*! LZ4_createCDict() :
  474. * When compressing multiple messages / blocks using the same dictionary, it's recommended to load it just once.
  475. * LZ4_createCDict() will create a digested dictionary, ready to start future compression operations without startup delay.
  476. * LZ4_CDict can be created once and shared by multiple threads concurrently, since its usage is read-only.
  477. * `dictBuffer` can be released after LZ4_CDict creation, since its content is copied within CDict */
  478. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API LZ4F_CDict* LZ4F_createCDict(const void* dictBuffer, size_t dictSize);
  479. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API void LZ4F_freeCDict(LZ4F_CDict* CDict);
  480. /*! LZ4_compressFrame_usingCDict() :
  481. * Compress an entire srcBuffer into a valid LZ4 frame using a digested Dictionary.
  482. * cctx must point to a context created by LZ4F_createCompressionContext().
  483. * If cdict==NULL, compress without a dictionary.
  484. * dstBuffer MUST be >= LZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, preferencesPtr).
  485. * If this condition is not respected, function will fail (@return an errorCode).
  486. * The LZ4F_preferences_t structure is optional : you may provide NULL as argument,
  487. * but it's not recommended, as it's the only way to provide dictID in the frame header.
  488. * @return : number of bytes written into dstBuffer.
  489. * or an error code if it fails (can be tested using LZ4F_isError()) */
  490. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API size_t LZ4F_compressFrame_usingCDict(
  491. LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  492. void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
  493. const void* src, size_t srcSize,
  494. const LZ4F_CDict* cdict,
  495. const LZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr);
  496. /*! LZ4F_compressBegin_usingCDict() :
  497. * Inits streaming dictionary compression, and writes the frame header into dstBuffer.
  498. * dstCapacity must be >= LZ4F_HEADER_SIZE_MAX bytes.
  499. * `prefsPtr` is optional : you may provide NULL as argument,
  500. * however, it's the only way to provide dictID in the frame header.
  501. * @return : number of bytes written into dstBuffer for the header,
  502. * or an error code (which can be tested using LZ4F_isError()) */
  503. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API size_t LZ4F_compressBegin_usingCDict(
  504. LZ4F_cctx* cctx,
  505. void* dstBuffer, size_t dstCapacity,
  506. const LZ4F_CDict* cdict,
  507. const LZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr);
  508. /*! LZ4F_decompress_usingDict() :
  509. * Same as LZ4F_decompress(), using a predefined dictionary.
  510. * Dictionary is used "in place", without any preprocessing.
  511. * It must remain accessible throughout the entire frame decoding. */
  512. LZ4FLIB_STATIC_API size_t LZ4F_decompress_usingDict(
  513. LZ4F_dctx* dctxPtr,
  514. void* dstBuffer, size_t* dstSizePtr,
  515. const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr,
  516. const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
  517. const LZ4F_decompressOptions_t* decompressOptionsPtr);
  518. #if defined (__cplusplus)
  519. }
  520. #endif
  521. #endif /* defined(LZ4F_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY) && !defined(LZ4F_H_STATIC_09782039843) */